Service for family caregivers
We offer various support and relief options for people in Upper Austria who care for family members at home. Our consultations take place in person, by telephone, via video chat or online. You can find your contact persons here.
Service point for family caregivers
We are an experienced team with different qualifications and meanwhile 20 years of experience in supporting family members who nurse are care for their relatives. We are greatly supported by the work of our volunteers, of whom we are particularly proud.
We are the first point of contact for caregiving and/or caring relatives in Upper Austria!
- This includes people who care for a relative because they look after them, help them with tasks or relieve them of tasks, run errands, help to organise their free time or accompany them to medical appointments.
- For people who care for a relative in the short, medium or long term.
- For people who are preparing for this responsibility or are in the middle of taking it on.
- For members of the respective family system, as well as interested parties.
Servicestelle für pflegende Angehörige
4020 Linz
Counselling services for care-giving relatives
New perspectives. Clarity. Orientation.
Our counselling helps you
- to find new perspectives and ways of looking at things
- to reorientate yourself through informative conversations
- to recharge your batteries
- to restore family balance
Counselling is available by telephone, at our service centres, as video counselling or, under certain circumstances, at your home. More information.
Meet-up groups for caregiving relatives
"There is so much space in the group - from laughing to crying!"
You are not alone with your situation.
At regular meetings with trained group leaders you can:
- Exchange experiences: Many relatives gain valuable experience in coping with difficult situations through years of care. In our meeting places you can meet other people, talk things out, make contact and share your experiences.
- Acquire knowledge: If you are interested, expert speakers on various topics are invited to the group. In addition, there is valuable information about ways to relieve the burden.
- Get to know new approaches: Learn from each other - impulses and suggestions from the other participants enable new perspectives.
Treffpunkte in Ihrer Nähe
Irene Hofinger-Grünauer, Grete Kain
Kirchenstraße 19 4072 Alkoven
Jeden 1. Mi/Monat von 14-16 Uhr im Pfarrzentrum
Rosina Öttl
Schulstraße 1 4121 Altenfelden
jeden 2. Mo/Monat, 20 Uhr
Brigitta Schilcher
Schulstraße 1 4121 Altenfelden
jeden 2. Mo/Monat, 20 Uhr
Helene Kreiner-Hofinger
Gmundner Str. 1b 4800 Attnang-Puchheim
jeden 3. Di/Monat, 18-20 Uhr
Maximilianhaus, Puchheim
Gerlinde Kaltseis
Pfarrzentrum Eferding
einen Mo/Monat
Anmeldung erbeten
Gerti Eilmannsberger, Elisabeth Wildfellner
Bahnhofweg 2 4673 Gaspoltshofen
Jeden 4. Mi/Monat, 19 Uhr
Altenheim Gaspoltshofen
Mag. Martin Eilmannsberger
Hubert-Leeb-Straße 1 4710 Grieskirchen
Gebäude „Betreubaren Wohnen“ der Caritas
jeden letzten Di/Monat, 20 Uhr
Christine Gallistl
Rohrbacher Straße 4 4184 Helfenberg
Pfarrhof Helfenberg
jeden 1. Mo/Monat, 19.30 Uhr
Renate Kneidinger
Rohrbacher Straße 4 4184 Helfenberg
Pfarrhof Helfenberg
jeden 1. Mo/Monat, 19.30 Uhr
Gabi Eder
Oberhumerstraße 2b 4663 Laakirchen
Tageszentrum/Seniorenheim Laakirchen
jeden 3. Mi/Monat, 14 Uhr
Mag. Martin Eilmannsberger
Seniorentageszentrum Franckviertel
jeden 1. Mi/Monat, 14 Uhr
Petra Bohaumilizky
Seniorentageszentrum Franckviertel
jeden 1. Mi/Monat, 14 Uhr
Helene Kreiner-Hofinger
Seniorenwohnhaus Karl Borromäus
Nur auf Anfrage!
Josef Fuchs
Kirchenstraße 11 4912 Neuhofen/Innkreis
Letzten Mo (Januar/März/Mai), 20 Uhr
Ried i. Innkreis
Josef Fuchs
Pfarrplatz 1 4910 Ried im Innkreis
Pfarre Riedberg
jeden letzten Mittwoch/Monat 17-19 Uhr
Ute Maria Winkler
Gerberweg 6 4150 Rohrbach-Berg
Begegnungsraum des Caritas Kompetenzzentrums im OG
Nur auf Anfrage
Elisabeth Schatka
Jeden ersten Donnerstag/Monat, 17.00 bis 18.30 Uhr;
Pfarre St. Michael, Michaelerplatz 1 &
St. Ägidius/St. Koloman, Brucknerplatz 4, 4400 Steyr
Hermann Deisenberger
jeden 2. Di / Monat, 14:30 - 16:30 Uhr
Dienstleistungszentrum Wartberg
Sigrun Häubl
Schloss Puchberg, Puchberg 1 4600 Wels
Jeden ersten Mo/Monat, 19.00 bis 20.30 Uhr im Schloss Puchberg, Gesprächsraum 1.
Speziell für pflegende Angehörige von ME/CFS-, Post Covid und Post Vac-Erkrankten.
Um Anmeldung wird gebeten.
Désirée Safnauer
Jeden 4. Mo/Monat im Bezirks-Seniorenheim Unterweißenbach, Markt 3, 4273 Unterweißenbach
Anmeldung erbeten!
Retreat Days
We offer
- in February: Retreat Days for caregiving and nursing relatives - a few days of time out from everyday life in Schlierbach
- May: Retreat Days for caregivers and cared-for relatives - days of joint relaxation, at the Curhaus Bad Kreuzen
- Autumn: Retreat Days for family members providing care - a few days' time out from everyday life in Windischgarsten.
BLOG News/Exchange for family carers
Interesting facts and exchange
Care and nursing situations are a special challenge for the family or partnership.
Information and knowledge help to cope with everyday caregiving and provide new perspectives. The exchange with others who are affected is experienced as helpful and strengthening.
Our BLOG offers you the opportunity to access the latest information for caring and nursing relatives on an ongoing basis. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please comment on our posts. We will reply as soon as we can.
Are you looking after or caring for a relative at home and have problems with your body's musculoskeletal system? A stay at a spa would do you good, but you can't concentrate on your own health without knowing that your family member is close by?
K.u.r.+ offers you a stay at the Vitana spa hotel in Bad Hall, while your family member receives the best possible care at the Caritas Schloss Hall senior citizens' residence - just a few minutes' walk from you.
- You look after or care for a relative at home
- have problems with the musculoskeletal system
- Application submitted to your family doctor or specialist
- Approval by the insurance company (note: not every insurance company approves a cure in Bad Hall!)
K.u.r.+" programme
- Various daily therapy treatments, especially in the area of the musculoskeletal system.
- Enough time to relax and breathe deeply.
- Time to visit your relative(s) in the Caritas Schloss Hall senior citizens' residence, which is only a few minutes' walk away.
- In addition to professional care around the clock, the Schloss Hall senior citizens' residence offers its short-term care guests a varied daily programme.
Seniorenwohnhaus Schloss Hall
4540 Bad Hall