Home Care

Mobile Care Service
Caritas offers Mobile Care Services in many municipalities in Upper Austria as support for older people in everyday life.
Duration of service:
The Mobile Care Services come to your home several times a day or once a week, depending on your situation and the extent of the care measures.
The rates of the mobile care services are socially tiered. The amount of your own financial contribution depends on your net family income.
Our staff (qualified health and nursing staff, social carers for the elderly and residential care assistants) are highly trained and receive ongoing professional training. They are dedicated to your well-being, take your concerns and needs seriously and show you appreciation.
Mobile Pflegedienste
4020 Linz
Mobile Hospice Palliative Care
The Caritas Mobile Hospice Palliative Care teams provide comprehensive support free of charge to seriously ill and dying patients and their families. The services offered range from advice on care at home to the implementation of pain-relieving care measures as well as support during the time of parting and mourning. The Children's Palliative Network was set up especially for children and their relatives.
The Adult Education Hospice offers qualifications for the many voluntary helpers as well as further training for employed staff and interested parties.
More information (in German)
Mag.a Ulrike Pribil MSc
4020 Linz
24-Hour Care
Often, hourly care by Mobile Care Services is not enough. That is why we offer 24-Hour Care in cooperation with the Caritas association "Rundum Zuhause betreut".
We offer you a referral of suitable care givers, support with the registration or re-registration of the care givers' business, initial visits to ascertain the care and nursing needs, regular quality visits, support with administrative processing, as well as collaboration with Caritas Home Nursing.
In Upper Austria, 24-Hour Care can currently only be offered to a limited extent. More information on the offer at: www.caritas-rundumbetreut.at
Caritas Rundum Zuhause Betreut
Everyday Companionship and Visiting Service
Are you looking for company, support or accompaniment?
You can find this in the Everyday Companionship in the region of Linz as well as in the Visiting Service in many communities in Upper Austria.
Everyday companionship
Caritas Everyday Assistance offers older people in Linz the opportunity to cope well with everyday life in their own homes with the support of a companion.
For everyday errands, for walks, to maintain your independence and well-being, you sometimes need a companion. Then the Caritas Everyday Companions are there for you. They accompany you on walks, on smaller and larger excursions or to events, but also to the doctor or to the authorities. They do the shopping on your behalf or together with you. They are happy to listen to you and take an interest in your life situation.

Heidi Stockenbojer
Mobiles Hospiz & Besuchsdienst
9020 Klagenfurt
Visiting Service
With the motto "Time for People", there is a Caritas Visiting Service in various areas of Upper Austria. Volunteers keep elderly people company and accompany them to various activities.
For some, the visit of the staff of the Mobile Care Services is the highlight of the day, yet it is always too short. On the other hand, there are people who would like to spend time with other people. That is why the Caritas Visiting Service was founded. Volunteers give elderly people a few hours of their time. The aim is to bring a little "sunshine" into everyday life - be it through shared conversations, walks, shopping trips or smaller activities such as visits to coffee houses. Often, relatives caring for family members at home can also be relieved for a few hours.
4020 Linz
Short-term Care
In the senior citizens' residence Schloss Hall in Bad Hall, there are 7 short-term care beds available in single rooms.
Are you looking for a temporary care place, for example during a holiday or illness of the caregiver?
Would you like to try out living in a senior citizens' residence?
Do you still need support after a stay in hospital?
You can live temporarily in our "short-term care" for up to three months.
The rate for short-term care is € 104.80 (2022) per day plus care allowance supplement (actual care required during the stay is charged) and 10% VAT. Under certain conditions, a subsidy from the Social Ministry Service is possible.
For further information, please contact us at any time.
As we only have limited places available, please make an appointment in good time.

Seniorenwohnhaus Schloss Hall
4540 Bad Hall